Rav Haim Lifshitz

Parashat Matot-Masei








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 Translated from Hebrew by DR. S. NAthan

l'ilui nishmat Esther bat mordechai


The Systematic Versus the Human Approach

The Holocaust was a rending asunder of all systems. No hungry person there, but rather hunger itself, in its non-human incarnation. The hero was anyone who did not succumb, who refused to separate the human being from his suffering. No suffering people there.  Rather – suffering, as an entity in itself.

Arei Miklat, "shelter cities."  These were specially designated towns, to which an unintentional murderer could flee, to save himself from relatives of his victim, for they could avenge the blood of their family member by killing him: What distinguishes the Arab view of avenging blood from the Torah view of avenging blood? The Arab views the murderer as strong, and the murdered one as weak; it is an insult to be murdered and an honor to murder. This is why a family member of the murdered one goes forth to extract vengeance, in order to salvage the honor of the murdered one and his family. In the Torah, blood revenge is viewed in the opposite direction. Avenging the blood of the murdered one is in order to remove the crime of murder from the hand of the murderer, who is perceived as having committed an absolute crime, in that life and death are found exclusively in the hands of the Creator. Anyone who views himself as omnipotent, and seizes the craft of the Holy One, causes an absence, a vaccuum of Godly presence in the universe. Putting the murderer in his proper place is a repair of the Godly presence.

Setting up shelter cities, and making the amount of years one stays there dependent on the death of the high priest, as well as the connection between the mother of the murderer and the mother of the high priest, transfers the crime from the systematic level to the personal level. There is no longer the tendency to view the criminal and the tragedy as an event that has no connection to the average citizen – “It won't happen to me,” or it's “them,” the establishment, the rabbis, the government, etc. Rather, it is me and you, identifying with one another, based on “Love your friend as yourself.” This is the way we must view road accidents and all other forms of social evil that we fail to perceive as evil that goes undenounced by the bureaucratic system, which is busy with the establishment, not with the individual. Similarly, Judaism would not accept a citizen's once-every-four-years involvement in the vote, but would demand of him mutual accountability on the personal plane, in a continuous and constant manner.

“God is merciful and gracious” is an expression of emotions, so to speak, attributed, if such were possible, to the blessed Creator; this is a localized, human, anti-systematic emphasis. The Jewish blood avenger as well is meant to express a localized, direct approach, not by way of the legal system, in which the unintentional murderer who is similar in many ways to the murderer falls between the categories and does not fit into the blind legal system, and to be truthful, he should have been found guilty of malicious intent, because the unintentional murderer, who is similar to a deliberate murderer – he too thought in a systematic manner, and relied on the society that manufactured the hammer, instead of fulfilling his obligation to inspect it, and to ascertain personally that the iron axe head could not possibly fly off the handle of the hammer and harm anyone.

The blood avenger is an anti-systematic solution, the localized, personalized, emotional attitude of the relative of the murdered person. Whether military, medical or economic, warfare science is gradually eating away at, and supplanting the direct, localized, human approach. In place of lovingkindness, we have bureaucratic ministries of support, welfare and medical assistance, as well as other systematic structures. The system is a roundabout approach that treats the environment in order to solve a localized problem, and it is spreading like weeds across modern life, due to the increase and the complexity, and the centrality of mechanism and materialism – an increase in quantity at the expense of quality. Statistics, probability, a factor known as the majority – usurp the behavioral individual himself. A constant cannot be merged into a systematic approach, because with behavior – even that of animals – quantitative rules will never apply, and therefore a constant will always have equal possibilities in all directions, with the system incapable of reaching any conclusion based upon probability. Therefore the constant in research is basically just half over half, partial upon partial.

An initiative taken by one's innermost self – does not derive from the system. The instruction, the order comes from the system, from the outside, and was created in order to ignore what is inside. Systemization comes in place of the inner self's relating. It replaces “Being.” It is not human, and was created in order to ignore what is human, what is personal. Sensual response derives from the system, from external stimuli. The innermost self is not activated by sensuality, but by human-qualitative values.


